卡尔加里驾照 5号 7号牌
一 先说重点 驾照考试流程
7 号驾照(就是笔试)
1 看一遍交规和指南 ,做5套模拟题, 带着疑问再看一遍交规和指南,再做一遍模拟题,记住一些关键数据,例如停车的5米, 前后车的两秒等等,7号驾照没有任何难度.
2 谷歌地图搜 registry ,带好身份证明文件, 地址证明文件直接去报名考试.
链接: https://www.google.com/maps
国内有驾驶经验(两年以上)的带好国内驾照和翻译件(加拿大认证翻译,淘宝做的可能用不了),考试通过后上交,可以考5号牌, 阿省会把资料送到埃德蒙顿确认,报考5号牌最好等满两周以后,不然出来的可能是5号GDL驾照.
预约卡尔加里南面的小镇High River考试
预约网址 :https://www.rangelandagencies.com/CurrentRoad/
当然 想体验地狱难度的也可以约考市中心的考点 链接如下:
考试费用 138 可以用自己的车,也可以用考点的车,用考点的车单花70刀,车是辆本田,很小.
小镇考试的原因 中文考官 人非常nice, 小镇路况极其简单. 重点 ,路况及其简单.
1 未让行人
2 违反交通灯
3 停牌未停车
4 超速
5 侧方停车碰马路牙子
6 让行的路口未让行
8 缺乏控制和不安全的行动(这个由考官界定)
1 考环岛一般是从2号口出,首先是进环岛要让行,进去后先打左转向,出口前再打右转向.
2 侧方停车必考,给自己留出足够的量,扣点分无所谓,千万别碰马路牙子.上坡停车和下坡停车必考一项.停车后记住打轮方向,上左下右.
3 转向,停车,重新上路记得打转向灯,回头看.
4 没有路权的路口别着急,没车了再走,否则容易危险驾驶一次挂.
有驾驶经验的完全没有必要找陪练,小镇考试只要不犯一次挂的错误你想把分扣完都很难.如果犯了就再考一次, 考一次和找陪练的价格差不多.
A. 控制(Controls)
- Knowledge and/or use of equipment - 知识和/或设备使用
- One handed steering - hand position - 单手驾驶 - 手的位置
- Steering control - wanders/recovery - 转向控制 - 偏离/恢复
- Shifts too soon/late/gears - 换挡太早/太晚/挡位
- Improper use of clutch/gears - 使用离合器/挡位不当
- Improper use of gears/stalls/coasts - 使用挡位不当/熄火/滑行
- Improper use of brake/park brake - 使用制动器/驻车制动器不当
- Improper use of accelerator - 使用加速器不当
- Signals too soon/late - 信号太早/太晚
- Signals - Improper/not cancelled/none - 信号 - 不当/未取消/无
B. 停车/起步/倒车(Parking/Starting/Backing)
- Fails to set brake/gear - 未能设定制动器/挡位
- Observation - backing/starting - 观察 - 倒车/起步
- Judgement - vehicle/wheels/angle - 判断 - 车辆/车轮/角度
- Hits curb hard - 猛撞路缘石
- Rolls back - 溜车
- Unsure/too slow - 不确定/太慢
C. 车道行驶/变换/位置(Lane Driving/Changing/Position)
- Fails to check mirror - 未能检查后视镜
- Fails to check blind spot - 未能检查盲点
- Uncertain/exit spot late - 不确定/晚退出
- Road position - straddles lane - 道路位置 - 占据两个车道
- Too close/fast - stop/pass/follow - 太近/太快 - 停车/超车/跟车
- Improper lane change/late/slows - 不当的车道变换/晚/慢
- Fails to observe signs/conditions - 未能观察标志/条件
D. 交叉路口/转弯/铁路道口(Intersections/Turning/RR)
- Blocks/Walk/intersection/stopline - 阻塞/人行道/交叉路口/停车线
- Stops too far back - 停得太远
- Unnecessary stop - 不必要的停车
- Fails to stop leaving parking lot - 离开停车场时未停车
- Fails to observe conditions/late - 未能观察条件/太晚
- Left turn - cuts corners/turns wide/lags - 左转 - 切角/转得太宽/滞后
- Left turn - wrong lane - before/after - 左转 - 错误车道 - 前/后
- Right turn - cuts corners/turns wide - 右转 - 切角/转得太宽
- Right turn - wrong lane - before/after - 右转 - 错误车道 - 前/后
- Incorrect position - vehicle/wheels - 位置不当 - 车辆/车轮
- Too fast - before/during - 转弯前/转弯时速度太快
- Too slow - before/during - 转弯前/转弯时速度太慢
E. 交通信号/标志(Traffic Lights/Signs)
- Fails to anticipate/observe - 未能预料/观察
- Judgement - green/amber/red - 判断 - 绿灯/黄灯/红灯
- Judgement - stop/yield/other - 判断 - 停车/让行/其他
F. 优先权(Right-of-Way)
- Uncertain/hesitant - 犹豫不决
- Fails to assume own right of way - 未能获取正确的行驶权
- Aggressive/judgement - 攻击性/判断
G. 速度(Speed)
- Too fast for conditions - 条件下速度过快
- Too slow for conditions - 条件下速度过慢
H I J K 是摩托车考试部分不必关注.
L 部分是犯错就挂的部分 最重要.
道路测试失格(Road Test Disqualifications)
- Accumulated points (see guide below) - 累计分数(见下面指南) Code A
- Right of way violation - vehicle/pedestrian - 未给车辆/行人让路 Code B
- Traffic light violation - 交通信号违规 Code C
- Stop sign violation - 停车标志违规 Code D
- Speeding violation - 超速违规 Code E
- Other violation - 其他违规 Code F
- Drives over curb - 跨过路缘 Code G
- Lacks caution at uncontrolled intersection - 在无人控制的交叉路口缺乏谨慎 Code H
- Obstructs traffic - 阻碍交通 Code I
- Unable to perform skill maneuver - 无法执行技能动作 Code J
- Hits vehicle/object - 撞到车辆/物体 Code K
- Lacks skill and control - 缺乏技能和控制 Code L
- Unsafe action - 不安全行动 Code M
- Commercial vehicle pre-trip failure - 商用车辆出行前检查失败 Code N
二 其他 关于 阿省驾照
1.七号牌照,即学习者驾照(Class 7—Learner’s Licence) 14周岁可以考,7号驾照不能独自开车旁边需要有5号驾照驾驶员;
2.五号牌照,即初级驾照(Class 5—Basic Licence) 可以开小型汽车、轻型货车、轻型专用汽车;
3.四号牌照,即中级驾照(Class 4—Professional Licence) 可以开小型公共汽车、出租车、救护车、小型货车;
4.三号牌照,即大型货车驾照(Class 3—Professional Licence) 可以开大型货车、拖挂式货车;
5.二号牌照,即大型客车驾照(Class 2—Professional Licence) 可以开大型客车、拖挂式客车;
6.一号牌照,即重型机动车驾照(Class 1—Professional Licence) 可以开重型机动车、拖挂式重型机动车;
7.摩托车牌照,即摩托车驾照(Motorcycle Licence) 可以开摩托车。2
Class 5 and 6 – GDL changes
5 级和 6 级 – GDL 更改
Starting April 1, 2023
2023 年 4 月 1 日开始
- Drivers are no longer required to take the advanced road test to exit the Graduated Driver Licensing (GDL) program.
驾驶员不再需要参加高级路考即可退出分级驾驶员执照 (GDL) 计划。 - All drivers who meet the following criteria are eligible to exit the GDL program:
所有满足以下条件的驾驶员都有资格退出 GDL 计划:- They must be at least 18 years of age.
他们必须年满 18 岁。 - They must have completed the 24 months of probationary driving.
他们必须完成 24 个月的暂准驾驶。
Drivers may be eligible to reduce their 24-month probationary period by up to 6 months by completing a Class 5 or Class 6 driver training program from a driver training school licensed by Transportation and Economic Corridors.
通过完成交通和经济走廊许可的驾驶员培训学校的 5 级或 6 级驾驶员培训计划,驾驶员可能有资格将 24 个月的试用期缩短最多 6 个月。 - They must be suspension and demerit free for the last 12 months.
他们必须在过去 12 个月内没有被停职和记过。
- They must be at least 18 years of age.
- If a driver is not yet eligible to exit the GDL program, they will remain in the GDL program, subject to the restrictions on their driver’s licence, until they meet the eligibility criteria.
如果驾驶员尚不具备退出 GDL 计划的资格,他们将继续留在 GDL 计划中,但须遵守驾驶执照的限制,直到符合资格标准。 - Drivers eligible to exit the GDL program will automatically exit the program and will be notified by letter from the Government of Alberta of their exit.
有资格退出 GDL 计划的司机将自动退出该计划,并将收到艾伯塔省政府的退出信函通知。 - There is no need to update your physical driver’s licence unless you wish to do so. Your licence will be upgraded at the time of next renewal.
Law enforcement in Alberta will have access to your upgraded driving status through information in the Canadian Police Information Centre (CPIC).
艾伯塔省的执法部门将通过加拿大警察信息中心 (CPIC) 的信息获取您升级后的驾驶状态。 - Drivers travelling outside of Alberta should keep their letter with them in their vehicle or visit a registry agent to update their licence, as law enforcement agencies outside of Alberta may not have access to the data.
在艾伯塔省境外旅行的司机应将信件放在车内,或前往登记代理更新其驾照,因为艾伯塔省境外的执法机构可能无法访问这些数据。 - If a driver wishes to update their licence prior to renewal, they can attend any registry agent and pay the prescribed fee.
如果驾驶员希望在续签之前更新其驾照,他们可以前往任何注册代理处并支付规定的费用。 - The Class 5 and Class 6 road tests are enhanced, and both include elements from the advanced road test.
5 级和 6 级道路测试得到增强,并且都包含高级道路测试的要素。- The Class 5 road test will increase from 30 minutes to 45 minutes to ensure that we are focused on safety first.
5级路试时间将从30分钟增加到45分钟,以确保我们把安全放在第一位。 - The Class 6 road test will remain at 60 minutes, as there is time in the currently allotted 60 minutes to incorporate components from the current advanced road test.
6 级道路测试将保持 60 分钟,因为目前分配的 60 分钟内有时间整合当前高级道路测试的各个部分。
- The Class 5 road test will increase from 30 minutes to 45 minutes to ensure that we are focused on safety first.
- All other existing requirements of the GDL program will remain the same.
GDL 计划的所有其他现有要求将保持不变。
Class 4 – Driver licence changes
第 4 类 – 驾驶执照变更
Starting February 1, 2023
从 2023 年 2 月 1 日开始
- Drivers are no longer required a road test to obtain a Class 4 driver’s licence.
驾驶员不再需要通过路考即可获得 4 级驾驶执照。 - The Class 4 knowledge test is enhanced to include elements on passenger management and safety as well as working with vulnerable populations.
4 级知识测试得到增强,包括乘客管理和安全以及与弱势群体合作的内容。 - The Commercial Driver’s Guide has been updated. All information within the new Commercial Driver’s Guide may be on the knowledge test.
商业驾驶员指南已更新。新商业驾驶员指南中的所有信息都可能包含在知识测试中。 - Class 4 drivers must still meet vision requirements and provide a driver medical report.
4 级驾驶员仍必须满足视力要求并提供驾驶员医疗报告。 - Drivers who passed the Class 4 knowledge and road tests within 12 months of the updated program implementation, but who have not applied to have the Class 4 driver’s licence card issued, will have their test results honoured.
在更新计划实施后 12 个月内通过 4 级知识和道路测试但尚未申请签发 4 级驾驶执照卡的驾驶员,将保留其测试结果。 - Drivers who passed the Class 4 knowledge test but who did not pass the Class 4 road test prior to February 1, 2023, will be required to pass the new Class 4 enhanced knowledge test at their own expense.
通过 4 级知识测试但在 2023 年 2 月 1 日之前未通过 4 级路考的驾驶员将需要自费通过新的 4 级增强知识测试。 - Driver examiners will no longer be authorized to conduct Class 4 road tests starting February 1, 2023.
自 2023 年 2 月 1 日起,驾驶员考官将不再被授权进行 4 级道路考试。
- Drivers are no longer required a road test to obtain a Class 4 driver’s licence.