经常有刚来卡城的客户和朋友询问:“驾照在哪儿考?车牌在哪儿换?公司在哪儿注册?健康卡在哪儿申请?名字去哪儿改?“,其实这些事情都可以在一个地方办理,那就是阿尔伯塔省的登记中心-Registry Agent。现在老方就带你来了解了解,什么是登记中心?它是干啥的?哪儿能找到?
卡尔加里(阿尔伯塔省)的登记中心(Registry Agent)是由阿尔伯塔省政府授权,代表省政府提供各项登记、信息查询和执照登记换发等服务的代理机构。其实这有点儿类似于国内的政府办公综合服务大厅,包括了许多便民服务。
Registry agents provide information on vehicle and driver services.
1. 与车相关的
- 车辆登记vehicle registrations:机动车和非机动车(Trailer)牌的登记、注销、更新、转让
- 机动车信息报告vehicle information reports:一般在买二手车时可用到,车辆在阿省的基本信息,包括车的年代、品牌、型号、颜色、燃油型号、登记状态、里程表读数、注册时间和地点、欠费记录等,费用是$27.7,如果想看详细欠费记录,需要做Lien Search,费用是16.75。
- 个性化车牌申请personalized licence plate applications:费用是$244。
- 复古车牌antique licence plates:就是为那些老爷车(25年以上)准备的车牌,不过只允许在展览或游行时使用
- 转运许可in-transit permits:如果你从阿省买了车,需要把车从阿省的某个地点转运到阿省另一个地点或者加拿大其他省去注册,需要开转运许可,一般这个许可省内转运的有效期是3天,跨省是7天。
- 按比例收费服务some prorate services:为那些登记在公司名下跨省或者跨国(主要是美国)的商业车按在各省运行比例收取登记费的服务。
2. 与驾驶员相关的
- 各类驾照和考试driver licensing and testing:驾照笔试、路考和换发等
- 查询服务searches:比如自己是否有罚款
- 你的驾驶记录driving abstracts:主要是你被扣了多少分,违了几次章,是否被吊销驾照。查询一次需要$28.65
- 商业牌照commercial licensing
- 吊销驾照suspensions
- 交罚款fine payments
- 关于车辆扣押的信息information on vehicle seizures
(二)生命统计Vital statistics
- 出生证明birth certificates:仅限在阿尔伯塔出生的人,费用是$47.3
- 死亡证明death certificates:仅限在阿尔伯塔死亡的人,费用也是$47.3
- 结婚证明marriage certificates:仅限在阿尔伯塔省结婚并登记的,费用是$47.30
- 签发结婚证marriage licences:仅限在阿尔伯塔省并且在3个月内举行婚礼的,费用是$87.25
- 改名legal name changes
- 家谱搜索genealogical searches
(三)产权查询Land titles
(四)公司登记Corporate registry
可以查询公司信息、进行公司登记、恢复、更名、公司年报(filing annual returns for corporations)或变更等。
- 阿尔伯塔社团Alberta societies
- 非赢利组织non-profit organization
- 商号trade names
有限责任公司limited liability partnerships and corporations
(五)个人财产登记Personal property registry
1. 查询Searches
- 个人债务人名字Individual debtor names
- 公司债务人名字Business debtor names
- 序列号Serial numbers
- 财产登记号Registration numbers
- 财产扣押和分布情况Seizure and Related Writs
2. 财产登记Registration
- Writ of Enforcements
Document filed with the Clerk of the Court of Queen’s Bench. Registered with the Personal Property Registry to enforce a creditor’s interest. - Garageman’s Lien
A garageman registers a lien against an owner’s vehicle for repairs, parts or storage for which he has not been paid. - Security Agreement
A security interest under the Personal Property Security Act, including leases for a term of more than one year, transfers of accounts or chattel paper and consignments. - Sale of Goods and Factor Act Registrations
A buyer’s interest in goods left in the possession of the seller. - Matrimonial Property Order or Financial Statement
An interest of a spouse given exclusive possession by a Court of a mobile home or household goods under the Matrimonial Property Act. - Crown Charge
A lien, charge or other interest of the Crown created by any law in force in Canada. - Land Charge
An interest in real property of a corporation that secures payment or performance of an obligation under section 59.2 of the Law of Property Act. - Maintenance Order
An order or interim order of a court in Alberta , maintenance means maintenance, support or alimony. - Railway Rolling Stock
A mortgage deed under section 63 of the Railway Act. - Court Orders
Any order authorized by a court or statute. - Attachment Orders
An order granted by the court prior to judgement, to attach to property in order to protect an interest. - Receiver’s Report
A notice of a financial statement or final account of the receiver’s administration. - Statutory Charge
A lien, charge, or other interest that affects property and is created under an enactment in Force in Alberta.
(六)阿省健康卡Alberta Health Care
健康卡登记和信息更新以及65岁以上老人Blue Cross医保福利登记。这是免费的服务
1. 阿省器官捐献和遗体捐献登记Alberta Organ and Tissue Donor Registry
2. 翻译:有些登记中心会和翻译公司合作提供认证翻译服务。国内的驾照也可以直接在这里翻译。
3. 宣誓公证Commissioners for Oaths:
- Statutory declaration
- Affidavits
- Land title transfer
- Dower consent
- Pension documents and applications
- Accountants and real estate license
- Damaged or lost passport
- Consent to Travel Form
不过这些文件一般是在阿尔伯塔省内使用的,如果是跨省的或者需要证明“与原件相符”(“certified as a true copy”,)则需要找公证员(Notary)或者律师来做。Commissioners for Oaths
4. 犯罪记录证明(Criminal Record Check):这个只是用你的名字和出生日期在加拿大皇家骑警(RCMP)的数据库里看你是否有犯罪记录。
如果想要有指纹(fingerprint)的Certified Criminal Record,则需要去RCMP指定的机构去做。
还有一种可以在地方警察局出具的Police Information Check,也叫a police certificate, background check, record check, or reference check。在出具以上三个犯罪记录证明之前,请先问清你的雇主、学校或者其它机构到底是要那种。
Service Alberta: Find a registry agent (gov.ab.ca)
注:The Alberta Motor Association provides service to its members only.
Registry Agent
推荐下面这个 有中文服务人员
地址: 1632 14 Ave NW #1841, Calgary, AB T2N 1M7
电话: 403-282-3820
营业时间 周一到周五 9:00-19:00 周六 9:00-17:00 周日 休息